Love is the most healing
force in the world. Nothing goes deeper than love: it heals not only the
body, not only the mind, but also the soul. |
A man who is happy with himself is full of love, flowing. He does not need anybody's love, hence he can give. When you are in need how can you give? You are a beggar. And when you can give, much love comes towards you. It is a response, a natural response. |
You see people --they are
miserable because they have compromised on every point,and they cannot
forgive themselves because they have compromised.They know that they could
have dared, but they proved |
Drop guilt! -- because to be guilty is to live in hell. Not to be guilty, and you will have the freshness of dewdrops in the early morning sun, you will have the freshness of the lotus petals in the lake, you will have the freshness of the stars in the night. Once guilt disappears, you will have a totally different kind of life, luminous and radiant. You will have a dance to your feet and your heart will be singing a thousand and one songs. |
Always remember, whatsoever I say to you, you can take it in two ways. You can simply take it on my authority, 'Because I say so, it must be true' -- then you will suffer, then you will not grow. Whatsoever I say, listen to it, try to understand it, implement it in your life, see how it works, and then come to your own conclusions. They may be the same, they may not be. They can never be exactly the same because you have a different personality, a unique being. Whatsoever I am saying is my own. It is bound to be in deep ways rooted in me. You may come to similar conclusions, but they cannot be exactly the same. So my conclusions should not be made your conclusions. You should try to understand me, you should try to learn, but you should not collect knowledge from me, you should not collect conclusions from me. Then your mind-body will grow. |
Angst vor dem
Tod? |
Live in the world, but not through the mind. Don't let the past or the future stand between you and reality. And if you can manage the state of no-mind even for a few moments -- that's what meditation is all about -- you will be surprised: suddenly you are in rhythm with existence. You will know what Buddha calls aes dhammo sanantano-- the eternal law. You will pulsate with it, vibrate with it. You will be just a wave in the great ocean of the law. |
Ich lehre euch für die Religion zu leben. Meine Botschaft ist eine Aufforderung, dem Leben dankbar zu sein, zu tanzen, zu singen, zu feiern. Ich möchte, dass ihr aufblüht wie die Blumen, dass ihr wie die Vögel werdet, in den Himmel fliegt, dass ihr vom Mond und von den Sternen das Tanzen lernt, von den Wasserfällen das Singen. Ich bin ein Liebhaber des Lebens. Für mich ist Leben gleichbedeutend mit Gott. |
When you have seen a little glimpse that you are the creator of your own misery, it will be very difficult for you now to go on creating it. It is easy to live in misery when you know others are creating it -- what can you do? You are helpless. That's why we go on throwing responsibilities on others. |
Just be yourself, and then there is no misery and no competition and no botheration that others have more, and you don't have more. And if you like grass to be greener, there is no need to look at the other side of the fence; you can make the grass greener on your side of the fence! It is such a simple thing to make the grass greener. Just looking everywhere else, and all the lawns are looking so beautiful - except yours. |
When you are with people, remember, for them good and bad still exist.Be respectful to them and their dreams. It is not for you to disturb anybody's dream. Who are you? It is not for you to interfere. Be polite to people and their stupidities, be polite to them and their games. But all the time remember,deep down nothing is good, nothing is bad. |
You accept yourself; that makes you capable of accepting others.. And because somebody accepts them, they learn the beauty of acceptance for the first time - how peaceful it feels - and they start accepting others. If the whole humanity comes to point where everybody is accepted as he is, almost ninety percent of misery will simply disappear. |
Wherever there is a desire to have power over another person, it is politics. Power is always political, even on small children. The parents think they love, but it is only in their mind; otherwise they want the children to be obedient. And what does obedience mean? It means all the power is in the hands of the parents. |
Wherever there is a desire to have power over another person, it is politics. Power is always political, even on small children. The parents think they love, but it is only in their mind; otherwise they want the children to be obedient. And what does obedience mean? It means all the power is in the hands of the parents. |
Loneliness is when you
hanker for something, some occupation; when you hanker for the other and
you miss the other, that is loneliness. And when you have started enjoying
it, the beauty, the austere beauty of being alone, the silence, the
stillness, the joy of just being, breathing in the sun, just sitting under
a tree doing nothing, listening to the birds, just being utterly herenow,
and a great joy arises... |
I can understand the fear of
the parents that the children may go in a direction which they don't like
-- but that is your problem. Your children are not born for your likings
and your dislikings. They have to live their life, and you should rejoice
that they are living their life - |
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Copyright 2-12,16 Hari Bakhta / Rest Osho International Foundation